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In the beginning there were six entities. Three of these entities were masculine and three were feminine. It was these entities that created and shaped the world. It was these beings that gave the world the laws of nature and magic. It was these beings that eventually gave the world divine magic. The League Calendar marks the time of divine magic and the gods coming into our personal lives.



Horus is the god of justice and truth. He is the cause of just things in the world and Horus is the one who brought honor to the world. He is normally depicted as a knight or paladin wearing full plate armor with a burning longsword to represent the flames of justice.

 Alignment: All Lawful

Symbol: The scales of justice

Cleric Bonus: Free shield of faith spell
                        once a day




Celedia is the goddess of healing and life. It is said that she is present in every birth no matter what person or animal it is. She is considered to be the one true force of goodness in the world. She is normally depicted as a blonde hair elf or human in white and purple robes. She is sometimes depicted carrying a staff with her symbol.

Alignment: All Good

Symbol: Ankh

Cleric Bonus: Free cure Serious wounds
                        once a day




Phiton is the god of balance and spirituality. He is the keeper of order. Phiton is also the only deity to ever come to the land in the flesh. He is notably worshipped by the Order of the Blazing Fists.  He is depicted as an unarmed warrior.

Alignment: All Neutral

Symbol: An empty circle

Cleric Bonus: Turns undead one
                         level higher




Vernisa is known as the lawgiver by most. She is the goddess of nature, plants, and weather. Mainly druids worship her. Vernisa is the only deity to ever cause a direct war and that was the War of Change. When Vernisa stripped the most powerful druids of their power and totally rewrote the laws of nature. She is seen as a human woman with animal furs. She wields a thorn whip.

Alignment: All Chaotic

Symbol: Leaf with a dewdrop in the center.

Cleric Bonus: Free Speak with
                        animals once a day.




Quedus is the god of war and destruction. Where Celedia brings life, Quedus brings death. Barbarians and warriors often pray to Quedus. Quedus has been depicted as a lot of things from a barbarian wielding an axe to a stout dwarf wielding an axe. Always seen with an axe a symbol of power.

Alignment: All Neutral and Chaotic.

Symbol: The Axe

Cleric Bonus: +1 BtH




Laylia is a malevolent being. She is often referred to as the mother of lies. Her ethos involves deceit, trickery, and lies. Thieves tend to worship her, and sometimes-suspecting lovers do to find the truth. Laylia is depicted as a black garbed woman with a long dirk in her hands.

Alignment: All Evil

Symbol: Black Triangle

Cleric Bonus: Free Discern lies
                        once a day